

Deviation Actions

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                            SUPERNATURAL Fan Fic
                            (Sofia and The Demon)
                            (Part 15 Of Part 18)

"Sofia,you know that I`m here for you,right?"Dean asked when she turned around. "Of course I do."She answered and sat down on the bed. Dean could see that she were thinking about. She couldn`t stop thinking about John,and the last time she talked with him. "What are you thinking about?"Dean asked her. "It`s not important."Sofia told him as she took her Dad`s journal out of her bag. "Sofia,you need to tell me what`s going on.."Dean told her. "My parents,Samantha,John,Jo,Ellen and Bobby.... All of them are dead,even my aunt.."Sofia said as she looked down at her Dad`s journal.
"I know how you are feeling,Sofia."Dean said as he leaned in and kissed her one more time,before she walked out through the door. Dean sat down on the bed,he started thinking about his Dad. He realized that he hadn`t been thinking about him that much lately. "Sam.. Shouldn`t you be sleeping?"She asked him when she saw him coming out from his hotel room. "Yeah,but then I couldn`t stop thinking about Dad.."Sam told her,remembering when he found him on the floor at the hospital. "Sam,I`m sorry. I shouldn`t have told you,but I couldn`t keep that secret anymore. I don`t know why he called me,but I guess he did it because he knew that my parents were dead. He always helped me,and now you and Dean are doing it too... I guess that makes me think about him again."Sofia said as she passed him on her way to the stairs. "Wait,Sofia.."Sam said to her as he closed the door and followed her. "Do you have time to talk over a cup of coffee?"Sofia asked him. "Sure.."Sam said and followed her down the stairs. "Good. I thought I would have to sit down there alone. Sounds really boring."Sofia told him. "I don`t mind,and I have nothing else to do right now.."Sam said as they walked out of the hotel. "John sent me some money two weeks before he died.. I never used them,because I thought he wanted me to keep them for him."Sofia told him and found the letter that came with the money. "I don`t know. You should talk about this with Dean,because he might know why he would do it."Sam said and nodded to her. "Okay,I will do that. You can still read the letter. He wrote about you in it... About what the demon did to you when you were only a baby. He said that it might have been the same demon that gave demon blood to Samantha."Sofia told him as she looked over the street and found a cafe. "Sure,I will read the letter.. You have to let me show it to Dean,okay? He would never hate you,Sofia."Sam said and smiled at her as he put the letter in his pocket. Suddenly her cellphone rang in her pocket.. "Are you going to answer it?"Sam asked and looked at her when she took it out of her pocket. "Sure,but I have never seen this number...."Sofia started saying,before she walked over to the other side of the street. "Are you okay?"Sam asked when she stopped infront of the door. "I got a text from the same number. Can you read it?"She said and handed him her cellphone. "Hello Sofia. I`m Alison. I`m a friend of your parents. I`m a hunter,just like you.... I`m on a case now,and I were wondering if you had time to meet me later. Your parents told us that you would be a great hunter when you grew up. We already know that you have awesome fighting skills,because we have been keeping a eye on you. Alison."The text said.

"So,are you gonna meet up with them?"Sam asked as Sofia sat down on one of the chairs in the cafe. "I guess I have to... Dean can`t know were I went,or how long I will be away. You have to make up a new case and take him with you."Sofia said. "Of course.. I will do everything to help you,okay? Dean won`t hear it from me."Sam told her. "Thanks,Sam. I will leave tonight."Sofia said when she saw Dean calling her. "Dean is calling..."She whispered to Sam. "Answer him,Sofia."Sam whispered back. "Hi Dean. What`s up?"Sofia asked him and started to giggle. "Nothing special.. I just thought you would be back by now. I miss you."Dean answered. "You miss me? I have never heard you say that since Lawrence..."Sofia said as she thought about being a teen again. "When I were in hell, I could only think about all the mistakes I have made. The same happened when I were in purgatory. I don`t want to make those mistakes again,Sofia. I know that I love you,and that we belong together."Dean told her as she got tears in her eyes. "Wow.. Never thought I would ever hear you say that. I love you too,Dean. I always have,and I always will."She said and looked out of the cafe. "Does that mean that you coming back up here now?"Dean asked. "Yeah,in a sec. I`m with Sam.. He couldn`t sleep either,because I told him about John. I guess it`s because he`s the one that found him."Sofia said and heard that he got quiet for a while. "I kind of thought that he were with you.. That kind of makes me jealous,Sofia. You and Sam,alone.."Dean whispered in her ear. "You don`t have to be jealous,Dean. We are only talking.. I would never get between you and Sam.."Sofia whispered back to him. "If you say so... I believe you. See you soon.."Dean told her and hung up. "Did he think that I stole you from him?"Sam asked Sofia. "I don`t think so. He were only kidding."Sofia answered as she walked over to the counter and got her coffee and handed Sam his cup. "I guess we should get back upstairs,before he really thinks that something is going on between us."Sam said and opened the door for her. "Yeah.. Sam,I were thinking. I could need a back-up plan."She told him when he followed her over to the hotel door. "A back-up plan?"Sam repeated. "Yes,when I meet up with my parents friends tonight.. Maybe,we should tell Dean. I know that I said that we shouldn`t,but now it seems like a good idea. I will pack my bag when you and Dean leave.. I will write a text to them,because I need to find the right place to meet them. I will text you the adress under a nickname... Sophie.. Yeah,I will call myself Sophie. You have to tell Dean that you called this woman to ask if you could meet her,because you have some questions.. But it`s me all the time,okay?"Sofia suggested to him. "Sounds like a really good plan.."Sam said as he opened the door in to the hotel. Sofia walked up the stairs slowly,because she didn`t want to fall in the stairs with the coffee in her hand. "Sofia?"A girl said to her. "Yes,who are you?"Sofia asked her. "I`m a friend of your aunt. I heard that she died. I`m sorry."She told Sofia and looked at Sam.

"My aunt had alot of friends. I didn`t know all of them,but Thank you."Sofia said to the woman infront of her. "Sorry that I bothered you. Have a good day."She said and walked down the stairs. "She acted abit strange,didn`t she? Did you see the way she looked at me?"Sam asked Sofia as they looked at each other. "Yes.. She seemed nervous."Sofia said and followed Sam over to her and Dean`s hotel room. Sofia knocked at the door. "The door is open."Dean yelled. "You don`t have to yell."Sofia told him when she opened the door and walked in. "I have to ask you something,Dean.. Do you think there is something going on between me and Cas?"Sofia asked him and saw that Sam left the room. "I understand that you need to talk with him,but it`s like you just want to be with him,and not me... Have I done something wrong?"Dean said as Sofia walked over to the window and opened the window. "No,you haven`t done anything wrong. It`s me... I have gotten selfish. A hunter sent me a text... She`s a friend of my aunt. I asked Sam to lie to you.."Sofia told Dean as she turned and looked over at him. "You aren`t selfish,Sofia.. Sam haven`t told me anything..."Dean said and got up from the chair. "It`s because he didn`t tell you yet. I told him to tell you that you had to go on a case,and while you were away... I would meet up with her and her hunter friends."Sofia told him and walked toward him. "I`m abit disappointed,but I`m glad you came and told me. I can`t blame you.. I do want you to stay in hotel rooms all day."Dean said and smiled when he saw her smile. "Do you remember when I killed Lucifer?"She asked Dean and walked over to her bag. "Yeah,what about him?"Dean asked and got serious again. "I think he`s still around,because I hear his voice in my head. I`m having dreams about him as well,but please don`t tell Sam."Sofia said and put the journal back in her bag and closed it. "I will help you get rid of him,Sofia... That son of a bitch,first Sam and now you."Dean told her as she walked toward the bathroom door. "I don`t want you and Sam to get hurt,Dean.. I will find a way to get rid of Lucifer. Don`t worry about me.."Sofia said. She opened the door and looked if there were any towels left. "How will you get rid of him,Sofia?"Dean asked when Cas appeared behind him. "I will find a way.. Hi Cas."Sofia said and made Dean turned around. "What do you want?"Dean asked him and turned to Sofia again. "I need to talk with Sofia about something,but I can come back some other time."Cas said and disappeared. "Sofia,Are you still gonna meet that woman?"Dean asked her through the door. "So,what did Cas want?"Sofia asked him when she opened the door,only wearing a towel. "He wanted to talk with you about something,but he said he will come back later."Dean told her when she found a clean t-shirt and some underwear in her bag. "Okay,good.."She answered and walked back over to the bathroom door and turned around again. "Sofia,I asked you a question.."Dean told her and followed her in. "What did you ask me,Dean?"She asked him.

"Are you gonna meet that woman?"He repeated. "Maybe.. I haven`t texted her back yet,because I don`t know what to say..."Sofia answered. "Tell me when you decide what you want to do,Okay?"Dean said to her as he looked at her for a while before he walked out and closed the door. While Sofia were taking a shower,Dean walked over to her bag and opened her Dad`s Journal. He found a few pictures and looked through them. He found a picture of her and Jo. `She really knows Ellen and Jo?`He asked himself and looked over at the door. Sofia got out of the shower and found the towel and walked over to the mirror by the sink. "Dean?"She said when she saw him looking at the pictures. "I were just... I didn`t mean to look at them. I will put them back."Dean said when she came over to him. "It`s okay,Dean. You can keep the picture."Sofia said and opened the Journal and found the picture again. She gave it to him and closed it again. "How do you know them,Sofia? I`m just wondering."Dean said and saw her looking away. "John.... He told me that if I ever needed a place to stay. I could call Ellen.. I called her the day after Samantha,and she said that I could come by. So,I did."Sofia told him. "You could have called me,Sofia. I know that you wanted to,but I`m glad that you went to them."Dean said and took her bag and sat it on the floor by the nightstand and sat down on the bed. "I miss them too... All of them."Sofia told him as he took her hand. "I know. I know what you are thinking about right now.. You think that Jo mean more to me than you,but you couldn`t be more wrong."Dean said and kissed her on the lips. "I don`t want to talk about them right now."Sofia told him and layed down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "I bet I know what you are thinking about right now.."Dean said and looked over at her. "Yeah,of course you do. Can`t wait to hear this..."Sofia told him and looked away when she felt his eyes on her. "Why do you say that?"He asked and sat up in the bed. "Because I think I need a break from hunting. Be somewhere else. You haven`t said or done anything wrong,Dean."Sofia said when she saw tears in his eyes. "Are you sure?"Dean asked when he saw that she were sad too. "Yes,I`m sure. I don`t know how to tell Sam.. I have to say goodbye to him. Well,it`s not goodbye,but anyways... You know what I mean,right?"Sofia told Dean as she gathered her things in the bag. "He will understand.. I know him."Dean said as he opened the door for her and took the keys.

                            SUPERNATURAL Fan Fic
                            (Sofia and The Demon)
                            (Part 16 Of Part 18)

Sofia knew that she would miss them while she were away,but she knew she had to do it. For herself and the baby,because she needed a break from hunting. "Promise me that you will be careful.."Sofia said to Dean when they stopped outside Sam`s hotel room. "Of course... I promise."Dean told her as he took her bag when she handed it to him, She knocked on the door and opened it when she heard Sam Say"Come in". "I told Dean about my aunt`s friend. I will go and stay with them for a while."Sofia said and saw that he looked surprised. "Can I call you?"Sam asked her. "Sure... That would be nice. I`m doing this because I need a break from hunting."She said and turned to Dean on her way out of the room. "Do you know where she is? Are you sure that you want to do this without back up? Have you forgotten about Carly?"Sam asked her and looked at Dean that were standing beside her. "Sam`s right,Sofia. Do you know?"Dean asked and stopped her by the door. "I were just about to call her. I do have to pack as well,Dean."Sofia answered. "Sofia,I can see that you are confused. We shouldn`t have talked about Jo. She`s not here,you are. You never had to compete with her... She`s dead. You don`t have to,Sofia. It`s you that I want.... I love you. How many times must I repeat myself?"Dean said as she turned around and met his gaze. "Dean,When I killed Thomas,I thought I would feel free,but I`m not.."Sofia told him as she touched his cheek and saw that he closed his eyes. "What?"Dean whispered in her ear. "I know that he`s gone,but he`s not the one that made me feel free. It was you,Dean."Sofia said. "You didn`t answer my questions,Sofia."Sam told her and got up from the chair. "I do remember everything that happened,Sam. I won`t let her kill me. I promise that I will call,okay?"Sofia answered. She turned around and walked out of the room and over to the hotel room she and Dean stayed at. "You know that Sam is telling you the truth.. You don`t want to do this alone. Let us come with you,Sofia."Dean told her when he followed her out to the corridor. "I told you before,Dean. This is my fight... Not yours or Sam`s,it`s mine."Sofia said as she picked her bag up from the floor. "I know.. I`m just trying to help,Sofia,but if you don`t need it."Dean told her and passed her on his way back to the hotel room. "I know that you just want to help,Dean. If this goes wrong and you die.. I can`t go through that again.... I just can`t."Sofia said as he took her into his arms and gave her a long kiss. "Sofia,I don`t  want you to run away,because you are scared of losing me."Dean told her and walked over to her when he saw that she had tears in her eyes again. "Maybe,she just wants my help and my aunt gave her my number."Sofia said as her cellphone rang again.

"I understand,but It doesn`t mean that I  have to like it.. I will let you go and meet her,but if something bad happens... I will drive you to your car,but first I`m gonna take a shower.."Dean told her. "I know what you are trying to do,Dean."She said as she layed down on the bed. Sofia heard a noise and walked over to the door and looked down the corridor both ways. "What am I trying to do?"He asked her when she stopped infront of him as he came out of the shower. "Showering really slowly,so I can`t leave today."Sofia said. "Of course I am,because I don`t want you to leave. I need you to stay with me.. You are having my baby,Sofia. I have to protect you."Dean told her as he stopped her and closed the door. "I can take care of myself,Dean. I need to find out what she wants from me."She said as Dean took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. "I know that you can,but they can still hurt you. Have you forgotten about everything that happened at the hospital. You almost died."Dean told her as she put her bag down on the bathroom floor. "Of course I remember.. I couldn`t let them hurt you. I knew that I could die,but I didn`t care. Fiona could have killed me too.. I knew what Crowley sent her to do..."Sofia said and found the picture of her. "He sent her to kill me,didn`t he?"Dean asked Sofia walked over to the window and looked down the street. "Yes.. I couldn`t let her do that. I didn`t know that she would recognize me."Sofia said and looked at the picture. "What did you tell her?"Dean asked and walked over to the sink. "I told her my name and she stopped and looked at me,and I told her that Crowley were gone... Then I stabbed her."Sofia said and looked at him,before she turned to walk away. "Wait... I have something to say. I`m crazy about you. I know I have never said that before,but that`s true. We don`t have to lose each other. I know that I don`t want to live without you."Dean told her and followed her out of the bathroom. "I don`t know what to say... Just wish I weren`t this stupid."Sofia said and turned to him. "Are we talking about the same thing?"Dean asked. "No,I heard what you said.. I were just thinking about Naomi and Cas. I know what happened.."Sofia answered and found this book Cas gave her. "What kind of book is that?"Dean asked her as he looked at it. "Cas gave it to me. I guess he wants me to find out something."Sofia told him. "That`s not what I asked you.."Dean said as they looked at each other. "I can`t tell you. It`s a secret."Sofia said and backed away this she felt the wall against her back. "What`s wrong,Sofia?"Dean asked as Sofia sat down in a corner.

"You and Sam have to leave.... Without me."Sofia said to him. "I`m not leaving you,Sofia."Dean told her as he sat down beside her and took her hand. "Why not?"She asked him as she opened her eyes and looked at him. "You already know why. I love you,and I know you would never hurt me."Dean told her as he kept holding her hand. "How can you be sure,Dean?"Sofia asked as she felt like she should die. "I know that there are still demons out there.. I won`t let them come near you again. I will kill every single one of them."Dean told her. Sofia got up from the floor and looked down at Dean. "Someone is coming."Sofia said to him as she found her knife and walked slowly over to the door. "Is it Demons?"Dean asked. "I don`t know. It doesn`t feel like demons."Sofia said and unlocked the door and opened it. "Sofia... Don`t go out there."Dean begged her. "Why not,Dean?"She asked as she stopped outside the door and looked down the corridor. Dean got on his feet and followed her... "Because... You don`t know what they want."Dean told her and found the colt. "The colt?"Sofia asked Dean when she turned around and saw it in his hand. "Dad told you about the colt?"He asked her. "Of course he did."Sofia answered and turned around when she heard footsteps from the stairs. "What now?"Dean said when he stopped beside her and looked down the stairs. "I heard footsteps,but noone came up the stairs. This must be a spirit."Sofia said as she looked down at her knife. "Okay. They do like to play games with people."Dean told her when she started to walk down the staircase. "Yeah,That`s true."Sofia said as she stopped at the end of the stairs and looked up at him. "Sofia,We need sleep now.. We can`t be out here all night."Dean told her as he turned and looked down the corridor. "Dean,Do you see anything up there?"She asked when she got back up and stopped beside him. "I thought I saw someone walking in to our hotel room."Dean said and looked over at her. "Do you think that you saw the spirit?"Sofia asked him as she walked down the corridor again. "I think so..."Dean answered and followed her. "This spirit is really weird. I will check if it went in to our hotel room."She said when she walked in through the door. Dean stopped infront of Sam`s hotel room door. "I thought I heard someone talking out here. Who were you talking with,Dean?"Sam said when they looked at each other. "Sofia thought she heard someone out in the corridor. So,we decided to check it out. She went back to our hotel room now."Dean told him as Sofia came out again. "Are you talking with Sam?"Sofia asked Dean when she saw him outside his door. "Yes,I am. I will come in a min."Dean said to her as he looked at her.

                          SUPERNATURAL Fan Fic
                          (Sofia and The Demon)
                           (Part 17 of Part 18)

Sofia walked back in to the room and sat down on the bed,and suddenly she heard a noise coming from the bathroom. She got up from the bed and when she almost got to the door.. She saw Samantha infront of her. "Sofia,I have to tell you something."Samantha told her as Dean came in to the room and looked over at them. "Samantha is the spirit?"Dean asked when he closed the door. "Yes.. She came to me at the other hotel we were on,but we didn`t have time to finnish our conversation. Just let me finnish it,Dean."Sofia told him and walked in to the bathroom and closed the door. Dean sat down on the bed... "So,I heard that you are pregnant. Is Dean the Dad?"Samantha said and smiled. "Yes,I`m pregnant and he`s the Dad. I really love him,and he loves me."Sofia told her and smiled when she thought about him. "That`s great,Sofia. I`m so happy for you. You are still blaming yourself for my death,and that has to stop.. I will cross over,but only if you forgive yourself for killing me."Her little sister told her. "That`s good to hear,Sam... I think I already have forgiven myself. You can get your peace now."Sofia said as Samatha disappeared. Sofia took a deep breath before she opened the door and got out of the bathroom. "Did she cross over?"Dean asked Sofia when he saw her tears. "Yes,she did.. She told me that she`s happy for me."Sofia told him and saw that he were sad too. "Look at me. I`m not suffering anymore,and that`s because of you.. I will always worry about you,because you always worry about me. I`m only happy when you are with me. I know you still feel guilty for leaving me in Lawrence,but you had to do it,Dean.. Or you would never have found that yellow eyed demon. That son of a bitch ruined our lives,and I`m glad that you guys were the ones that killed him."Sofia told him as she looked in to his eyes the whole time. "When did you get this smart? I have never met this Sofia before,but I do like her. She`s amazing."Dean told her as Sofia wiped his tears away. "I`m not sure,but it can be the angel."She said and looked around the room. "Do you know her real name?"Dean asked. "No,I don`t.."She answered. "Then I think she got good taste."Dean told her as they looked at each other for a while,before getting back
to bed.  "Yeah. Sofia is a cool name for a angel."Sofia said as she put her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes. "Now you`re tired? Can we talk about your aunts hunting friends when we wake up?"Dean asked her as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Yes,Dean.. We can talk when we wake up,but now I just want to sleep."She told him. "Good,because I`m tired too."He said and kissed her on the cheek and made her open her eyes. "Why did you do that?"Sofia asked and smiled as she touched his cheek. "You already know,Sofia. I`m glad you decided to stay with us,but if you want to leave.. I won`t try to stop you."Dean told her as he turned the pillow and placed his head on it again. Sofia closed her eyes and a few minutes later they were both sleeping.
Sam were still awake and sat infront of the laptop. Suddenly his cellphone rang.. "Hello."Sam said when he put his cellphone to his ear. "Hi. My name is Alison. Can I talk with Sofia?"She told him as she got out of her car. "Don`t you have her number?"Sam asked her and got up from the chair. "Yes,but she haven`t called me back yet.. I got abit worried."Alison told him. "Well,she`s with my brother. I will find her. Just a min."Sam told her and walked out of the door. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it... "Is someone knocking on the door?"Dean asked her and touched her arm. "Yes. I will check who it is... Go back to sleep,Dean."Sofia said and gave him a kiss,before she walked over to the door. She looked over at Dean and smiled as she opened the door. "It`s just me. Your friend just called me. She wants to talk with you..."Sam said and handed her his cellphone. "Why would she call you?"She asked him and closed the door behind her. "I don`t know. She said that you didn`t call her back,and she got worried."Sam answered and smiled as she put the cellphone to her ear. "Hi Alison. I`m sorry that I didn`t call you back,but I were busy."Sofia said and looked at Sam. "It`s okay. I hope you still want to meet us soon."Alison told her. "Yeah,about that.. I`m gonna take someone with me. Two of my friends."Sofia said and leaned against the wall. "Sure. I understand that you don`t trust me. It`s a crazy world,but I`m not lying to you.."Alison said as she sat down beside one of her friends on one of the couches. "I`m just doing it to protect myself. I already trusted people that lied to me,and that can`t happen again."Sofia said as she walked down the corridor. "Where did Sofia go?"Dean asked Sam when he suddenly stood there in the doorway. "She`s talking with someone on my cellphone,but she will be back soon."Sam said and looked at his brother. "Who? It`s still late.."Dean told him and looked down the corridor.
I`m sorry that this fan fic is going abit slow right now,but I got some other things to do as well.. It will come:)
Here are three parts in one.. Hope you like them.:D
© 2013 - 2024 camilah
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